Please Tell Others & Us What You Think!

Reviews and referrals are very helpful whenever someone is looking for a new product or service.  We’ve been able to grow as a practice because we have great customers who tell their friends and family about us. As a matter of fact, you may or may not be aware that we...

Finding A Dentist

So you’re looking for a dentist.  Maybe you’ve moved to a new town, you don’t like your current dentist, or possibly you haven’t been to the dentist in years.  Whatever the reason you’re probably not inclined to walk into the first dental office you see for an...

How Long Should My Root Canal Last?

A root canal, also referred to as endodontic treatment will allow you to keep your natural tooth for decades.  Root canals are likely to last your entire lifetime.  However, every person and tooth is different so how long yours actually lasts will depend on several...

Dry mouth – causes, symptoms, and what to do

Saliva is very important to oral health.  It moistens and cleanses the mouth and helps with digestion.  It also controls bacteria and fungi in the mouth.  If we’re not producing enough saliva, our mouth will get dry, which is never comfortable.   Causes: Many...

Are dental X-Rays safe?

Every time you go to the dentist and get x-rays, they cover you up with a lead apron and the technician leaves the room to take the x-ray.  You probably wonder just how much damage is being done to your body each time this happens.  The fact of the matter is we’re...